EU Railway Network Expansion

The northern provinces of the Netherlands are closely located to Germany and Denmark and can connect these countries with the economic powerhouse of the Dutch Randstad (Amsterdam, Rotterdam). The problem?
There are no fast crossborder train connections between these regions.


SNN wants to highlight the importance of connecting these regions by train, aiming to add the “Lely Line” infrastructure project to the European #TEN_T Comprehensive network.

Our approach:

Policy communication campaign,  built on strong messaging and a highly targeted approach to reaching the target group of European policy makers in a mix of online and offline content.

​​Which means did we apply:

We translated the core message into short clips and visuals. This content was distributed to the target group (both through social media ads and screens in Brussels) at various times during the political process in Brussels and Strasbourg, working as an integrated campaign together with other efforts.

The result:

Mission accomplished. In december 2023 Lely Line was added to the European #TEN_T Comprehensive network